Perched above St-Maurice, a city in the Valais which is abundant in cultural and historical riches, the Fairy’s Cave (Grotte aux Fées) dominates the Rhone Valley. |

It was the first tourist cave opened to the public in Switzerland and offers since more than a century a natural and wonderful show in which its principal actors, rocks and water, depend upon the imagination of mankind to make this journey in the bowels of the earth unforgettable. |
After half of a kilometer of educational path in a well-lit gallery, the underground visit reaches its peak when its visitors see a little lake fed by an impressive waterfall. |

Sometimes tiny fairies escort visitors out of the cave. |
Fountain : It is said about the Fairies’ Fountain that he who plunges his left hand in its water will have his dreams come true thanks to the fairies’ magic dust. |
